Carpet Cleaning in Sacramento, California
I have been providing Carpet Cleaning in Sacramento, California for more than 20 years and there are a number of things that you should look for when choosing a carpet cleaning services. Our deep commitment to quality and dedication to customer service distinguishes us from all the rest. We will work tirelessly to address all of your needs and desires in a professional manner. Our company offers a wide range of cleaning options and we will tailor our methods specifically to your needs. No job is finished without your approval and satisfaction.
Since quality is the foundation of our brand, it’s only natural that we treat your carpets like we would treat our own. Our company uses the most top-of-the-line equipment to effectively clean your carpets as well as the safest cleaning products. Every piece of equipment is chosen with your well-being in mind.
Our technicians have received extensive, top-notch training and have been thoroughly prepared to clean your carpets. They understand the needs of our clients and are ready to answer your questions in a knowledgeable and informed way. These certified and trained professionals are ready to humbly serve you.
30 Day Stay Clean Guarantee
Your satisfaction with our service is of the greatest importance. Therefore, all of our work is backed by our Customer Satisfaction Guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with our services for any reason, we will re-do the service, no questions asked. You have 30 Days To Report Any Problems. This is how confident we are in our ability to deliver what you want and leave your carpets looking brand new. You will find that our company is one of very few that offer this kind of guarantee, so you know that we are wholeheartedly dedicated to satisfying our customers.
We Are the Company to Beat
When it comes to the standards of our company, we believe that you should be treated with professionalism and customer service. Many people choose us for our personable work ethic and attention to detail. We understand that everyone’s schedules are different, which is why we offer convenient hours to accommodate your lifestyle. Our pricing is competitive; I have done a lot of research and comparisons to make sure that our prices are reasonable and more attractive than our competitors. Our full line of services is sure to make your carpets dazzle.
Call Now 916-688-9712
Whenever you start to sneeze in your home, you might think that it is simply because there is an over abundance of dust in the air. You could also consider the possibility that allergy season is upon you, and you are simply reacting to pollen floating about. Most people do not consider the obvious which is that if it has been several months since the last time you are properly cleaned your carpet, that the allergens may actually be with you all day long. At night while you sleep, when you get up in the morning, these tiny allergens can be floating in the air causing not only allergies, but breathing disorders and also illness. To take care of this, you will need to clean your carpets regularly, or hire a professional to help you. Here’s a brief overview of the different types of allergens that can be in your carpet, and how you can find the best company to help you eliminate them.
Allergens Commonly Found In Carpets
When a person thinks of allergies, pollen comes to mind. Some people are also allergic to dust. However in a carpet, allergens can be living things, such as spores that are coming off of mold that is living in your carpet fibers, or mites that are tiny spiders that can multiply in the millions. All of these things that live in your carpet can be allergens as well, making it possible for viruses and bacteria to also manifest, making your home a very toxic place.
Removing The Toxins With A Professional Carpet Cleaner
A carpet cleaner, especially a professional one that has been doing this job for years, will know exactly what to use when it comes to cleaning your carpet and removing both living and regular toxins right away. They can use certain solutions that will eliminate mold, viruses, dust mites and bacteria, and at the same time take out pollen and common dust that can build up over time. You will want to use the company that can guarantee their services, and when they are done using their state-of-the-art equipment and cleaning solutions, your allergens will be removed.
Tips On How To Prepare For A Professional Carpet Cleaning
Having a house full of nice carpeting can really make it seem warm and inviting, but sometimes even the nicest of carpet need cleaning from time to time. When our carpets need to be cleaned it is time to call in the professionals to get the job done right.
When 2nd Generation Carpet Cleaning comes it’s important that you make the proper preparation beforehand so they can do a great job. The first thing you should do is vacuum the carpets before the service technicians arrive. Secondly, if there is any drapery on the windows make sure that they are pinned up and at least six inches above the floor. Any skirts on upholstered furniture should also be pinned up and not touching the carpet.
Once you remove the things that might be in the way of the technicians it is important to check over the carpet for any spots and stains. These areas of the carpet might need special treating, and in order for it to be done right the first time, point out these issues right away to the technician.
If you have pets it is important to keep them secured during the cleaning process. We use safe cleaning agents that will not harm them nor your children.
Make sure furniture is moved and other small items that can accidentally get knocked is stored safely in another room. Taking these precautions will ensure that nothing gets ruined and the best job possible is completed.
Now that you’ve read good advice here, you are aware of what needs to be done in order to properly prepare your home for a professional carpet cleaning.
Do you currently have a dog or a cat that resides in your home with you? Do you have carpet that runs throughout the entirety of your home? If you do, and if you’re dog or cat is not properly potty trained, you will inevitably end up with pet odors and urine stains as a result of keeping your animals inside. You could try to eliminate the stains and odors on your own, but most of the products that you can buy at the store are not going to be adequate. That’s why it is important to know who to call, a specialist that can use the proper machines and products, in order to remove pet urine and odors from your carpet.
Finding The Right Professional
There are more than likely several professionals in your area that are properly equipped to handle pet and urine odors in your home. Your ability to remove these stains and smells is usually dependent upon using the right solutions that can subdue the odors. Removing stains will also require special types of soaps, although some of them may not come out. It really depends on how long they have been there, however if you can address each issue right away, the likelihood of staining will greatly diminish.